

Tuesday 30 July 2013

SKIN SO CLEAR! ( Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser)

To continue with my posts concerning clear skin, and how one might achieve it, I have chosen to review Cetaphil. Before you think that it won't work for you, hear me out. PLEASE!

My interest in biology has granted me an understanding of the skin layers and how many of the face washes and scrubs we use disrupt the skin and eventually lead to breakouts and loss of skin tightness.

So let me break it down for y'all. As you may have read on the back of bottles, or heard in commercials; your skins has a natural oil barrier and you need to remove dead skin cells. Well lets start with the "natural oil barrier". When you regularly wash you face in the morning and at night, you probably use a face wash or soap, both of which foam up unlike Cetaphil. Now when you have makeup on, you think that you need this foam to properly cleanse your skin. I'm sorry, but this theory is FALSE. The foam in fact removes more than your makeup. It removes all of your natural oils. This causes dryness, which in the long run makes your face produce too much oil. Also since your skin is bare, any dirt it comes in contact gets in the skin and causes your hideous breakouts. I have used Cetaphil on a night outs worth of makeup and although I did have to wash it twice, it took the makeup off completely.

For the second argument, the idea of "removing dead skin" is in fact correct. You do need to remove the dead skin so that it does not deepen wrinkles or store dirt. But what you also should know, is that you do not need to remove all of it. The way I think of it, is on a microscopic level. So imagine you are a mini 'you' on the surface of your skin. If you remove all the dead skin with an exfoliant, eventually you would get down to the surface of the "alive skin" and would start scratching it. Obviously that is NOT good. So you might think, how do I know when I've reached the new skin? Just think, do you really produce that much dead skin and need to exfoliate every day or second day? ( the answer is no if you're wondering) So yes, you do need to exfoliate, so I have to admit Cetaphil can't do it all. But only twice a week and do so in gently manner.

In conclusion, I do have to be clear, if you follow this regime you will not wake up the next day with clear skin because your skin has to readjust. But trust me, I have done this and it has cleared my skin up completely, TWICE!

PS. If this does not work for you, please see a dermatologist since this most likely means you are more prone to break outs genetically and no face wash will permanently do it for you.

  CETAPHIL retails for about 8 pounds.


  1. Hey i nominated you for the Liebster award,

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